The Future of Healthcare work is Remote, Smart and undeniably Flexible

Got skills? This is your stage to shine and share your healthcare genius with the world. .


Be a part of our growing Freelance community

Want to get paid for being skillful? Well hotMoon is the perfect platform to show off your skills and make good earning

  • Connect with buyers from all across the globe

  • Come across exciting freelance work opportunities

  • Utilize your free time productively

  • Earn and enjoy financial independence

How TheHotBleep Works

hotMoon offers a safe and secure work space where freelancers can interact with buyers and crack a deal.


Create a Service

Sell your skill by creating a relevant service that introduces your skill to the buyer. Make sure to use concise and specific information to boost off your skillset.


Deliver the project

Complete the project as per buyers’ specifications and deliver the project in pre-set time.


Get Paid

Once you deliver the project, you will get payment in your Stripe account.

Work in flexible hours from the comfort of your home

Do not pay for commute and enjoy all your earnings

Stay-at-home mom? Don’t worry!

You can still work. All you need is passion to work and a freelancer account at TheHotBleep